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Bladez controller replacement

Will any of the controllers you sell work with a Bladez Ion150? Even if I have to add an On/Off switch. I don't necessarily have to have the push start. I checked the motor and it's fine. The Batteries are brand new. Not sure about the throttle or the brake lever. My thinking was can I just buy one of your controllers and possibly a 3 wire throttle. Then add a on/off switch seeing that your controllers require one. At this point would I be good to go? I have two of these things sitting in the garage and the 8 year old is chomping at the bit to ride one. Thank you.

Yes we have controllers and throttles that can be custom installed on the Bladez Ion 150 electric scooter. Our controllers do require an on/off switch to be installed along with them. Here is a list of parts that would work for the conversion:

These are all the parts that would be needed other than the battery pack and motor which you already have.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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