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Convert 3 wheel bike to electric

I have a Schwinn Meridian 3 wheel bike I would like to convert to electric with enough power to operate off road with fat tires, what would I need ?  I looked at some of your motors and thought this might work , 600W Geared Motor - 36 Volts (Style: MY1020Z3) am I on the right track ?

Ok , lets get started with the order send me the total cost for everything.

The total cost for everything including shipping to your location is $715.55. The kit (item # KIT-149) can be ordered online at the following link:

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like any changes made to the kit.


Received the kit with no problem, what direction does the motor turn looking at the gear ?  If I need to reverse the motor wires , will the motor run properly in either direction ?  Would you send me a wiring diagram from negative of one battery thru the other batteries all the way through the system .

When in front of and looking at the gear the shaft rotation is clockwise. The motor wires can be reversed to reverse the rotation of the motor. Here is the wiring diagram for KIT-149, I also attached a PDF file of the wiring diagram in case you would like to print it.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


(95.1 KB)

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