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Hi there guys, and thanks in advance for taking the time to read this! I have an HCF Pacelite 707 and I think I need a new controller. When I turn on the scooter now (using the lower on/off switch by the battery compartment) the motor runs at full speed, whether or not the upper throttle on/off switch is on. And activating the thumb throttle does nothing fact I even disconnected the throttle wire but the motor still ran at full speed. The scooter was running perfectly until the other day when I stupidly tried to wire a third battery in series with the two stock batteries that Pacelite comes with in order to get more power from the scooter...I've read of other Pacelite 707 owners who successfully did this. At first, when I wired the third battery and then turned the scooter on, there was no response from the scooter at all, as if there was some sort of fail-safe built in to the controller that would prevent this sort of third-battery wiring from working. After continuing at it for awhile, the scooter's motor then turned on full speed as described above. And this happens even when reverting back to the correct two-battery setup and wiring that the Pacelite is supposed to have. The scooter is 24v and 350 watts. So, two questions: If I did indeed fry the controller, do you guys know of a proper replacement controller for sale, one that would have the same wiring and connectors? And second, would upgrading to a 36v controller allow me to safely connect that third battery like I had attempted in order to get more speed and a longer run time? I cannot seem to find an original Pacelite 707 controller anywhere online, which isn't all that surprising since I know these Pacelites have been discontinued for some time now. But I'm determined to revive mine as it's one of the best scooters ever made and you don't see them on Craigslist that often anymore. Thanks again so much for any help you guys can give me! --Bob

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Hi David, we just sent an email to Sean and provided him with your email address. - ESP Support

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