You can make the THR-131 throttle work with the HCF Pacelite 707 scooter's controller by removing the old throttle's terminals from its connector and inserting the THR-131 wire terminals into the old throttle connector to match up with the controller wires as follows:
Controller - THR-131
Green - White
Orange - Black
Black - Yellow
Blue - Green
Red - Not Connected
Gray - Not Connected
Yellow - Not Connected
Then bridge the THR-131 throttle's brown and red wires together and insulate them.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Dean Villis
Hi , I have a HCF Pacelite 707 and it needed a new throttle , I purchased a THR-131 , after I did this I found that ESP actually sells a plug in replacement throttle for my scooter. My question is , am I able to make the THR-131 work with my scooter ?