What is the diff between 24v & 36v duz it. Give u more speed or duz it get u to run longer . What is the benefits to changing from 24v to 36v
over 7 years ago
Need your help ASAP I started to do the conversion to 36v to day got all the battery's Lined up put the 800w controller into it got it to light up at the twist grip end ok only one red light not full bars . But it would not stop running the back wheel plus when trun the twist grip it did not do anything it was like as soon as I plugged in the power lead from the battery's to the controller it started to spin and would not stop . Can u help me . I did the batteyes right like u told me to . The on & off switch did not light up but when it was off there was no light to the grip & wheel did not spin . But as soon as I trunks it on ok no light to day it's on but I could not stop the wheel spinning . What have I done wrong .
When a controller runs the motor at full speed continuously that is usually caused by a burned out controller, however it could also be caused by a miswiring between the controller and throttle or by a faulty throttle.
I can check and see if the throttle is correctly wired to the controller if you could attach a photo of the connection.
If the throttle is correctly wired to the controller then the output to the throttle from the controller and the throttle signal can be tested by using the directions below.
over 7 years ago
I will redo it tomorrow and as I put it together I will put pic up of the harder bits but most of it is plug in most of it . But will post it as I do it as I have almost done the cover to go over the bigger moter . So would like it if u can take me over it step by srep nice thank you . Don't no what I would do with out all your help. Down to finding sprockets , and so on . P.s going to 36 v will I fill more power or is it a case as I go up up a hill it will not slow down by a few mph . Or a it a case I get more longer running time.
Cover almost done for the 800w 36 v . Did think I would be riding it today unreal
Will post pic tomorrow when I redo it again . Lol . Had it all sored the battery's lined out did think I had it work out . It's a new stuff the controller & twist grip . Battrys.
I post pictures up as I go along plugging and wiring . Thank u
over 7 years ago
This is the controller I am using
I had to soder the red and blue onto the on& off switch .
I just do see why the back wherl just spain .
Now I tryed to do it again and I am not getting anything . So I gess I blow up the new controller. God this is not easy to do . I may have to take it to a shop with all the moters Iv got and batteyes . & pay for them to convert it .
I hocked up the charger one . But as I plugged in the 36v charger it went bang with smock coming out of the new charger I just got for it . This is costing so much cash to do . I shod of just gone for a razor e300 & did the sprockets .
I also when I had it almost working I put the new 36v charger on to see if it would charge and it went bang . & a lot of smock so I take it I have done the new controller in as well .
ESP Support
over 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about that. I know expensive it can be when parts get burned out. When connecting parts to the controller the wiring needs to be done perfectly the first time or else the parts may get destroyed. I can see in the photo that the charger port red wire goes to the controller charging plug black wire, and visa versa. These kind of mistakes happen to the best of us though. I made the exact same type of mistake not too long ago with the battery wires and burned out an expensive controller.
You can do it yourself you just have to get in the habit of triple checking every connection and polarity, and then checking it again before you plug any of the parts together. Using a cheap multimeter before connecting part together to verify that red wires are positive and black wires are negative can help a lot to prevent burning out parts. Also the way that the wires are connected together is very important. It is to use either solder and heat shrink tubing, or automotive crimp butt connectors for every wire to wire connection, and to not use any tape in the wiring at all. Another important thing is to not leave any bare wires sticking out of a controller or other parts - bare wires should be attached to a plug, or terminated with a crimp cap so there is no chance of them touching each other.
over 7 years ago
Dam your right I just plugged it in . Wow . Ok I am going to give it a go again . Shod I just order a 800w 36v controller and then it would work on my 250w motor and then do the upgrade . Or go back to the standard one . If the controller is for 24v I can not out 36v into it that's right .
I can not see the the wire was wrong now I no why it what bang . I do want to do the 800w motor as Iv done all the fibreglass cover for it and it's going to be sweet . I can get a 350w 24v motor been given .
So not to sure what controller to go for . Plus I think I blown up my 36v charger lol . Got to lol a .
Dam wires . U think when u plug it in its all good u don't think it would be switch . Do u think the controller is f .lol . What one shod I go for your like the God of scooters
over 7 years ago
the next controller and mid I mite get u to talk me over it as I do it if that's ok . Plus why did the moter spin and not stop . Was that down to the wires then when I plugged the charger in it went bang . The motor wires was wrong as well it went backwards lol had to swip them . I can not believe I must the black & red was wrong way . Mmmmmm I can kick my self right now .
I was thinking of putting the 350w24v motor in with 47 back sprocket and a 11 motor it's quick . But I love the idea of putting this 800w 36v motor in . With 44 back sprocket and 11 motor shod shift . What motor would u go for if it was u doing it . The 350 24v then may be overvoult it lol . Or go the 800w way . I do have some hills around me .
over 7 years ago
Can I Also asks would I of done the 36v twist grip . Is ther a way of seeing if it lights up
over 7 years ago
Have orderd this 800w controller is the wiring the same . As the other one . But just make sure red Gs to red and so on,.