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Hi Specialist i am facing a half twist throttle wiring problem i replace a chip ugn 3505

Hi, Really need specialist, i am confuse after i replace a new chip ugn 3505 for my existing wuxing half twist throttle model 29 DX but i forget how to wire back, main problem is there is 2 black wire which i believed 1 is gnd another 1 black wire is brake last is the black wire come with this chips, please view attached photo to help me Thank You very much.
Sorry add on the ugn chips come in red , white & black...only the black i got 2 earlier i connected all 3 black line seems to have some problems...jerking while twisting the throttle.

Not all throttles are wired the same, however, most throttles and controllers use black as the negative wire even if there are multiple black wires. If the motor is operating erratically that could be caused by a poor connection between the sensor and wires or in the connector between the throttle and controller.

Sure Thanks for your kindly advised, I wish to ask 1 more question, is it possible to change 36V battery BMS, or have no choice must change battery pack? or any measurement to ensure my battery is still working?

BMS boards can be replaced on most lithium battery packs because they use wires that are soldered to the batteries. An online search for "how to test 18650 lithium battery" will bring up many videos and pages showing how to test the individual batteries in a lithium battery pack.

Thank you so much really helps a lot, i now connected on an LED controller for battery bms hope can work as per battery bms, as now is charging... while waiting for my battery BMS...pray it works...
I also brought a new throttle may need help again cause new throttle i brought is with key lock... Fix till going crazy by testing out part by part... Lucky part is battery still working...sweat... Really appreciate your kindly advised.

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