I have a 5 Bladez 450 watt Xtr-s electric scooters laying around that I would not mind selling because Im moving. I bought one for my wife and I over 10 years ago and loved them so much that we bought 1 for each of our 3 kids too. We have never had to replace anything on these scooters in this time, although we did upgrade batteries from stock to improve range. We also got some offroad knobby tires for my scooter because I have put several thousand miles on the original tires and I prefer the new ones so I can ride thru the grass with ease. ESP.com is great with answering questions and with the parts they sell, however, they are not superhuman and can't produce discontinued original parts such as motors or controllers for the 450 watt Bladez scooters. So if you do need any parts for you 450 watt Bladez scooter, post on this thread and wait for me to see it and respond or email me at Iamprestobt@yahoo.com and put BLADEZ SCOOTER in capital letters in the subject so I won't miss it. I am willing to sell any parts, from anything no matter how large or small, to selling the entire scooters which still are in 100% working order I might add. These scooters have extremely sturdy frames, although a little heavy, and would be perfect as is or to use the frame and order new motors and controllers from Electricscootetparts.com to make them seriously fast and fun! They currently go 18mph on flat ground with a 200lb adult with a range of 5+ miles using aftermarket batteries. I have several complete discontinued Bladez on hand and have access to a seemingly unlimited supply of more so hit me up if you need anything, I will give you an amazing price and Im sure ESP.com will sell you anything else you need for your scooter repair or build as well as any advice you need! These old Bladez frames, motors and controllers are extremely strong, well built and almost indestructible. I just ran 48 volts @ 15 amps continuous thru my stock 450 watt Bladez motor and controller for the entire battery cycle of 45 mins/ 22 miles without any damage to the motor or controller. These frames are a bit heavy but they are the best starting point for a scooter frame if you want something sturdy that will last forever. Thank you!
Presto Chango
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