About 5 months ago I took apart my scooter I needed to replace the rear tube. All was good but I seemed to misplaced the axle and I believe it had axle spacers too idk if it did or not but I really want to fix this as I can't ride my EZip (Chain Driven) 24v 750w because the rear wheel can't mount to the frame with out this piece. If any knows of the size of the axle (long piece threaded at both ends that goes in the center of the rear rim that mounts to the frame) and all the other parts that I would need to get my scooter going again. Sorry for my lack of knowledge when it comes to Electric Scooters. Thanks to all for your assistance
ESP Support
about 6 years ago
That is a tough one because the manufacturer only sold complete wheels for the eZip 750 and they did not sell axles or axle hardware for them. Due to this, we do not have any photographs or specifications of the rear axle, its spacers, or hardware.
Danny Chavez Quintero