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Hi ESP Support
I got the same problem as those guys above..
This is a project I'm developing for my school, It's and Electric Scooter which helps the postman to travel around the college, delivering mail to professors. I'm designing my own frame.
I would like to know which components do I have to buy in order to build the scooter.
Answering the questions you made:
1. I want my scooter to have the ability of climing hills.
2. Medium hills
3. It's going to carry some documents and letters, less than 2 pounds.
4. I don't need speed at my scooter, with 20 miles/hr top its ok.
5. 10 milles/hr as average speed.
6. Need an average usage per charging of 7 to 10 miles.
7. I don't know how to choose the wheels, can you recommend me one type?
Hi ESP Support,
I am impressed by your bike support. It helps lots of people alot.
I want to make an electric minimoto equal in performance as my current 2-stroke engine. I will keep the complete existing bike and only replace the 2-stroke engine with an electric one
Current 2-stoke data:
* Hp: 17,7 (ok with something similar in between 11-15 kW)
* Torque: 10,5 Nm
* Rpm: ~17 000
* Wheels: 6,5 inch
* Water cooled engine
* Centrifigation clutch only
It's a lot of accelerations all the time. I assume that almost full power will be needed 70-80% of the time. Example of an Minimoto race
1 & 2. The scooter will be used mainly on flat ground, but performance is prioritized
3. The scooter will not carry any additional weight besides my own (165 punds for me with full protection gear +40 punds for the complete bike without the 2-stroke engine).
4. Top speed: 60 mph
5. I will be riding at about an average speed of 40 mph.
6. A single charge should get ~25 min of riding time (~15 min race + ~5 min as backup + ~5 min as backup for derating of battery with time).
7. 6.5 inch wheels on the bike
Thanks alot for your good information ESP support :)
(I was surpriced that my small 50cc engine was too powerful for ESP portfolio but the power from this small engine is really good). Thanks for the link to the other site!
Dear ESP Support,
I'm looking to build an electric scooter, I'm going to buy a normal scooter and then add the parts needed to electrify it.
1. Scooter will be on flat ground
2. Very low hills (mostly around campus)
3. Scooter will only carry rider weight.
4. Top Speed of scooter, 20 mph.
5. Avg Speed, btwn 10-25 mph.
6. Full single charge should be about 20 miles.
7. Size of wheels will be determine what should be the best specs.
What do you recommend?
A 500 Watt motor is capable of 20 MPH top speed on flat ground. It will slow down on low hills though so if you are looking for something that will go up low hills at full speed then a 750 or 1000 Watt motor would be a better choice.
For a 20 mile range on flat ground with a few low hills, a battery pack consisting of two 12 Volt 22Ah batteries would do the job.
The wheel size that could be used is completely up to you. Most electric scooters have wheels ranging from 8 inches up to 16 inches.
Here is an example of a 24 Volt 500 Watt electric scooter kit that we carry which has two 12V 22Ah batteries.
KIT-24500-02: https://cart.electricscooterparts.com/24-volt-500-watt-electric-scooter-power-kit-KIT-24500-02
We can help with determining what size sprockets to use for the correct gear ratio for a 20 MPH top speed once the wheel size has been determined. We can also make different versions of our kits in case you find one that you like however would like it to have a different throttle or other parts, or for it to include the sprockets and chain that are needed to complete the project.
Here is the link to all of the electric scooter kits that we have currently made:
Dear ESB,
This looks perfect! Would you guys happen to know exactly how to build it? I'm trying to find an instructable for it, but have been unsuccessful.
Thanks you for your help!
Hi James, we do know how to build an electric scooter however we have not written any guides or made any videos on the subject so we do not have any resources to share regarding electric scooter fabrication.
Hi Darin, we can help with selecting the sprockets. What is the diameter of the drive wheel and what is your target top speed for the vehicle?
Regarding there being a clutch so the vehicle could be moved in reverse without resistance from the motor we do not carry any parts that could accomplish that.
Jack Beal
Hi there
I was looking to build my very own custom electric scooter with the parts you sell on your web site. I only have one problem,and that is I don't know all the parts I need to build a fully operational commercial grade scooter. So considering you probably have some knowledge on the subject I was wondering if you could be so kind to right me a list of what parts I need and in return I will buy the parts that I
need from your website. Let me know if you would be willing to do this for me.
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