Since HCF controllers are no longer available a different speed controller will need to be installed in the scooter. The HCF Pacelite 707 wiring is fairly simple once the original controller and throttle are removed. I recommend not trying to use the original throttle with a new controller because the way it is configured would be difficult to match up to a new controller.
A key switch can replace the original power switch if it is wired directly to the new controller's key switch connector, and the original power switch is left in place as a backup power switch or removed and bypassed.
If you want to run the scooter at 36 Volts I recommend using a 36 Volt controller such as our item # SPD-36500B because it is very close to the size and shape of the original controller. It can be used with any throttle without power meter, or with a throttle that has a power meter. It can even be used with a throttle that has a power meter and built-in key switch.
The Pacelite 707's motor has a built-in thermostat which will not connect to the new controller. The motor thermostat wire can be left disconnected when installing a different controller.Please let me know if I missed any questions or if you have any further questions.
Yes the original HCF motor can be used with a new 36 Volt controller and throttle, however it is a 24 Volt motor and if it is ran at 36 Volts on full throttle then it will produce more heat than when it is running at 24 Volts at full throttle.
If you upgrade the scooter to 36 Volts then I recommend not running it at full throttle all of the time and only doing so occasionally when really needed. For high reliability I would keep the scooter at 24 Volts and use a SPD-24500B controller and THR-105K throttle instead of a SPD-36500B controller and THR-110K throttle. However if you want to modify the scooter for high performance then upgrading it to run on 36 Volts is the right direction to go.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I have the same scooter and need a replacement motor. I have searched for a while but only found one on Ebay that was way over priced. Is there a suitable replacement or alternative motor that would work?
Hey Guys, If you are interested in selling your scooters give me a shout. I wish these were still being made :-(
If you search Google for 'dc motor repair shop' many more shops will appear in the search results.
Another option may be to custom install a modern electric scooter motor however I can just about guaranty you that this would not be a simple motor swap job and would require quite a bit of modifications and parts sourcing.
If you change your mind about repairing the HCF-707s, let me know. I will pay $500 for a non working scooter that is in good physical/mechanical condition.
Great! I'm not sure how to send PMs here and I don't want to post my private email here or the spam bots will find it. Can you send me a PM at My username is CNCaddict. You can also click my name in the last post on the linked thread and send me a message
Hello. I have all the parts. I even found the charger for it yesterday. It is the Polaris branded Pacelite. Gunmetal grey with the Polaris logo on it. I really want to fix it up and use it with my son. He has an electric razor scooter and Ive been looking for a replacement motor for it. I would be willing to reluctantly sell it for $500 and totally understand why you want the frame. Its an amazingly well built sturdy frame. Ive owned a few gas scooters before and this is a much better build then them. I am in Minnesota. Where are you located? I created an account, logged in and tried to send you this message but it said it didnt go through.
Absolutely, that would be great if you can do that!
Bob Rosner
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