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What parts do I need to build my scooter

The scooter should be able to climb moderate hills

Carry the weight of the rider and a small bag

Top speed of 25 km/h

Average Speed of 15km/h

Mileage Range around 30 km

Unsure of size wheels

For a scooter to have a top speed of 25 km/h and climb moderate hills a 500 Watt motor will work however it will slow down quite a bit on the hills. A 750 through 1000 Watt motor will allow the scooter to ride up hills at nearly full speed. To obtain a 30 km range would require a fairly large battery pack. For a 24 or 48 Volt motor I would recommend four 22Ah batteries, and for a 36 Volt motor three 22Ah batteries.

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