Sometimes even a few days after we have shipped your order the USPS tracking may show something like "Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item" or "Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending".

We ship all packages before we send the shipment notification email and USPS picks up packages from our warehouse on a daily basis so we do not hold onto packages for several days in our warehouse as the USPS tracking may incorrectly show. These tracking status messages simply indicate that USPS missed the outbound scan on the package after picking it up from our warehouse and tracking of the package will resume usually within a few days once the package reaches a distribution center near the package's delivery location.

If you see the tracking message "Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item," this means that USPS picked the package up from our warehouse however they forwarded it to the next distribution center without scanning it. 

If you see the message "Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending" this means that USPS picked up the package from our warehouse and they have not yet scanned it at our local post office or distribution center. However, USPS sometimes misses this local scan, incorrectly leaving the tracking status as "Package Acceptance Pending" until the package reaches a distribution center near the package's delivery location.